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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

corona situation in world | The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagious This was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation. | Terrible situation in the world due to corona

Horrible conditions in the world due to corona; Confession of the World Health Organization..,

Terrible situation in the world due to corona..............,

The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagiousThis was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation......

corona situation in world | The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagious This was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation. | Terrible situation in the world due to corona
 Terrible situation in the world due to corona

Terrible situation in the world due to corona

GENEVA: The World Health Organization (WHO) says the corona has exacerbated conditions around the world, despite a slowdown in Europe. Coronavirus has spread to 200 countries around the world, affecting more than 7.3 million people. Out of which 4 lakh 13 thousand people have died. In some countries around the world, the health system has collapsed due to the collapse of the corona.

corona situation in world | The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagious This was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation. | Terrible situation in the world due to corona

The head of the World Health Organization, Tedras Adnom Gebreius, held a press conference on Monday to review the global situation. He said: "About 75 per cent of the corona patients reported to the WHO on Sunday are from the United States and ten countries in South Asia. In the last ten days, more than one lakh patients were registered in nine days. So, on Sunday alone, 1 lakh 36 thousand new patients were added. This is the largest outbreak so far, "said Gabrias. 

‘The number of corona patients is increasing in almost all countries in Africa. The disease is also spreading to new parts of Africa. However, in a few countries in Africa, the number of corona patients is more than 1000, 'he added.

corona situation in world | The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagious This was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation. | Terrible situation in the world due to corona

Corona virus infection began in China. Corona outbreaks then spread rapidly in Italy, Spain, and Europe. As Europe became the epicenter of the Corona outbreak, so did the United States. More than two million people in the United States have been affected by the Corona. One lakh 14 thousand of them have died. Corona infection is currently forming in South America. The number of coronary heart disease patients is increasing in other Latin American countries, including Brazil.

corona situation in world | The corona has spread to more than 200 countries around the world. Five months later, the corona is still contagious This was not a complete success. The picture is that the health system in many countries has collapsed due to the coronation. | Terrible situation in the world due to corona
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