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Friday, June 12, 2020

china against countries | The most powerful institution in the world on the field; 5 countries thunder against China?

The most powerful institution in the world on the field; 5 countries thunder against China?


Experts say Australia and the United States are coming together to secure their supply chain. That is, the US is directly targeting China. Of course, this will include direct and indirect relations with countries like India, Japan and South Korea. Look at the policy of these five countries and its effect on India ...

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Names of the world's most powerful intelligence agencies include the US CIA, Israel's Mossad, Russia's KGB and India's RAW. But the Panchnetra, or Five Eyes, is the most powerful system of five nations, established after World War II. The five countries, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Canada, share intelligence with each other, and this is how the powerful five-eyed organization works.But the organization has now expanded its scope of work to financial coordination. The five countries will hold regular meetings to maintain global financial stability in the wake of the Corona crisis. It is important for these five countries to come together. Experts say Australia and the United States are coming together to secure their supply chain. That is, the US is directly targeting China. Of course, this will include direct and indirect relations with countries like India, Japan and South Korea. Look at the policy of these five countries and its effect on India ...

History and current background of Panchnetra
maharashtra times
The Five Eyes countries came together on the basis of the Atlantic Charter for the challenges after World War II. Australia, the United States, Britain, New Zealand and Canada decided to come together. The strength of this organization is such that it is not bound by the laws of the country concerned. Former US National Security Adviser Edward Snowden described the organization in the following words: 'It is an institution above the nation, which does not even answer the laws of its own country.' In 2013, Snowden leaked some documents that revealed that the five countries monitor each other's citizens and share information with each other, which helps maintain domestic control. The same organization has now decided to come together and work for financial stability.

What do experts say about Panchnetra's latest decision?

maharashtra times
The five countries have always worked together on security issues, according to Robert Essen, a strategic studies expert at Victoria University in New Zealand. This relationship was never created for financial help. But now the expansion to the economic sector is an important step, he said. There have been trade disputes between Australia and China over the past few months, while the US, on the other hand, is also keen to reduce its dependence on China. All countries are keen to smooth the supply chain disrupted by the corona. He says Australia and the United States have decided to come together, saying that is the time.

​हे ५ देश चीनला कसं घेरणार?

maharashtra times
At present, most countries, including the United States and Australia, are heavily dependent on Chinese goods. Therefore, experts say that these countries will work to ensure that the supply chain, ie goods from China, come from different countries or are manufactured in their own country. Exports are China's biggest strength. Therefore, these countries fear that if China stops the export of certain goods, it will be a big blow to the giant countries including the United States.

This is the fear of America

maharashtra times
The US conducted a study on how dependent it is on China. Accordingly, the US is completely dependent on China in 16 categories and 5 key areas. This includes the various resources on Earth. In addition, 75% of the supply of Vitamin C and Vitamin D comes from China. This is stated in the report of Forbes. In addition, China's investment in the US capital market is huge. This concern is compounded by China's rivalry with the United States over technology

What is Panchnetra's strategy to target China?

maharashtra times

These five countries say that if we depend so much on China, we will be intimidated forever. But the question arises as to whether this is really possible. According to the United Nations International Trade Statistics, Australia is the
china against countries china against world china against india 
most dependent of China among the five countries. Australia is dependent on China for various 9 5 5 objects, including those from drugs bolapointa pen. In second place is New Zealand (513 different items). 414 US, Canada, is entirely dependent on Chinese goods to various UK and 22 367 9.

India and Panchnetra

maharashtra times
There is no doubt that the Panchnetra decision will increase the importance of India, Japan and South Korea. Because, American, European companies will leave China and try to diversify the supply chain. India is even more important as it has the largest market for outsourcing companies.
The most powerful institution in the world on the field; 5 countries thunder against China? china against countries china against world china against india news latest pakistan china news china's battle against covid-19 china against cryptocurrency

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